5 Best Outdoor Rugs for Wood Decks and Patio


Any room can benefit from the addition of a rug. Rugs add style, dampen echoes, and, most importantly, help us feel at home, whether in an elaborately decorated bedroom or a simple hallway runner.

5 Best Outdoor Rugs for Wood Decks and Patio

The same is true for patio areas. Your favorite parts of your home can spread out into a lovely outdoor garden, breezy screen porch, or charming BBQ space with the best outdoor rugs for your deck and patio. A rug is also simple and removable addition. You can change your style with the seasons, prepare for different weather, and easily maintain your spaces—all while keeping stylish decorations and feelings of comfort at your feet.

Since there are plenty of outdoor rugs on the market, it can be difficult to determine which ones are durable, stylish, and worth the money. We reviewed the best outdoor rugs, keeping size, material, and design in mind, to help you find the perfect fit for your outdoor space.

What You Should Know About Outdoor Rugs Before Buying One


Because the best outdoor rugs must withstand a variety of weather conditions, as well as foot traffic, dirt, and other stains, the rug’s material is one of the most important factors to consider. Typically, outdoor rugs are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyester, or polypropylene.

“Weather-resistant durability is critical for maintaining outdoor rugs looking good in all weather conditions,” Goerzen explained. “Look for recycled plastic materials, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polyester—recycling adds sustainability points. These strong materials will not only withstand the elements and be easy to clean, but they will also have a lovely flat-woven appearance and feel soft underfoot. Consider sisal or jute for a trendy organic texture on covered patios.”

Rug Positioning

The location of your rug is important when choosing the best outdoor rug for you, whether you’re decorating an open-air patio or a covered porch. Though most, if not all, outdoor rugs are made of durable material, some are more resistant to wear and tear than others.

“First and foremost, consider where your outdoor rug will be used: an open patio necessitates harder working materials to withstand the elements than a covered porch, which must still be able to tolerate moisture,” Goerzen said. “From there, it’s all about your outdoor space goals.”

You’ll want to select a rug that can withstand heavy foot traffic, spills, and muddy paw prints.


The best outdoor rugs do not come in one size that fits all. Instead, we recommend that your rug be properly scaled to your outdoor furniture.

What Material is Best for Outdoor Rugs?

Polypropylene, a synthetic fabric similar to plastic and nylon, is the most commonly used material for outdoor rugs. The most significant advantage of polypropylene is that it is water and microbial resistant, making it more breathable than cotton. This reduces the likelihood of mold, mildew, and stains.

Having said that, you should still air out the rug to ensure that no mold or mildew forms—just in case! Polypropylene also makes cleaning the rug a breeze. You can vacuum it or simply hose it down and let it dry. It does not easily accumulate static electricity, the color will remain vibrant even after sun exposure

Cotton: While it is not waterproof, it is a great outdoor material that provides a lot of comforts. Cotton is far more pliable than polypropylene and plastic. It provides a much softer surface that is gentler on your skin. On the other hand, it requires more attention to water and humidity. If your outdoor space isn’t covered, you’ll have to keep it out and only use it for special occasions. Cotton, fortunately, is also machine washable, making it simple to keep clean and looking new. It is only necessary to keep washing and drying as part of your routine.

Cotton Rug for wood decks

Plastic rugs: have many of the same benefits as polypropylene. They are versatile and long-lasting due to their resistance to water. They are often used in outdoor rugs and allow for reversibility. If you’re in a hurry, you can get a more vibrant look right away. It also allows the bottom side to air out without much effort. Plastic also has the advantage of being slightly stronger than polypropylene. However, it is not always microbial resistant. So, while it can withstand more activity with less wear and tear, it will require more cleaning attention.

5 Best Outdoor Rugs for Wood Decks

#1 Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug

Nourison’s cheerful floral-patterned rug adds a splash of color to any room, indoors or out. It’s a UV-protected polypropylene rug that comes in a variety of colors and sizes, resists fading, and repels water. This rug has a high-end feel thanks to its 3D texture.

Nourison Aloha Indoor Area Rug

The flat-woven style has a low pile that is easy to clean. Simply vacuum it or wipe it down with a damp cloth indoors, or hose it down outside. To extend the life of the rug, the manufacturer recommends using a rug pad for outdoor use and indoor storage during extreme weather.


  • UV resistant for fade resistance
  • Repellent to water
  • There are numerous size and color options available.


  • A rug pad is recommended.

#2 Nicole Miller Patio Country Azalea Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug

As part of its collection, this Nicole Miller Rug features a stunning medallion design. The color scheme of brown, cream and beige makes it a stylish and classy addition to every number of outdoor areas for any season. The intricate brown peppering all through the base color adds depth and dimension to a welcoming atmosphere.

Nicole Miller Patio Rugs

Because it is woven with polypropylene, it is resistant to a wide range of conditions. You can have a high level of look with low maintenance because it is resistant to sun, water, and microbe damage. With two different sizes, you can envision it in a variety of settings in your home.


  • Water-resistant
  • Low Maintenance
  • Comes in different sizes


#3 Seavish Black and White Outdoor Area Rug

The indoor/outdoor rug by Seavish is available in several fully reversible striped and plaid patterns with the same print on both sides. The hand-woven rugs come in seven sizes and are made with a unique crimping process that gives them a textured appearance.

Seavish Black and White Area Rugs

This non-waterproof indoor/outdoor carpet made of cotton works best in covered outdoor areas or climates with infrequent heavy rainfall. However, because it is made of cotton, it is machine washable for easy cleaning.


  • Hand-woven
  • Reversible
  • Machine washable


  • It is not waterproof.

#4 Uphome Outdoor/Indoor Rug

The Uphome Geometric Area Rug’s dynamic geometric design brings life and energy to any space it inhabits. Two subtle shades, creme, and grey, come together to create stunning patterns that you can’t take your eyes off of. The rug’s understated color scheme also makes it suitable for any season and a variety of design schemes.

Uphome Outdoor Rugs

Uphome’s outdoor rug, handwoven with a cotton blend, is gentle and adds a touch of softness. It is simple to vacuum or toss in the washing machine with cold water. It’s also lightweight, so you can move it around your house for different occasions or easily store it away until the right time comes.


  • Multi-function area rug
  • Easy to clean
  • Waterproof


  • Not machine washable
  • Light Weight

#5 NANTA Cotton Buffalo Plaid Check Rug

NANTA offers a black and white plaid design that is both welcoming and refined, making it suitable for a variety of settings. We suggest using it as a backdrop for welcome mats and another home décor, which is both exciting and functional.

NANTA Cotton Rug

Cotton has a soft texture that contributes to the rug’s welcoming appearance. While it is less suitable for uncovered outdoor spaces, it can be used anywhere and adds a special touch of lines and movement that comes with understated plaid. Furthermore, it is lightweight for easy mobility and washable for simple maintenance—absolutely lovely!


  • Premium Quality
  • Washable
  • Thick


  • A rug pad is recommended.

Final Verdict

After reading this guide, you should know further about purchasing rugs for your outdoor living spaces. We recommend the Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug for its fade resistance and waterproof features. Those looking for a different option may like the Seavish Outdoor Area Rug Striped Cotton rug one that has a graphic striped design and is made of cotton.

Hand-Woven vs. Machine-Woven Rugs

While researching, you’ll notice a few different weaving techniques that will influence which rug you buy. A machine-woven rug, in particular, will provide more intricate designs at a lower cost. Hand-woven items have a more appealing quality, but due to the nature of their production, more intricate designs will cost more.

Will an outdoor rug damage a wood deck?

Again, it all comes down to the material. Polypropylene is a coarse material, it has been proven that it will not scratch the surface of your deck. However, regardless of the material, you must be wary of water, mildew, and rot.

In any case, just because your deck is made of pressure-treated lumber or a waterproof material does not mean it is watertight. Your deck will most likely be fine with an outdoor rug and the moisture that comes with it, but to avoid moisture damage, try airing it out whenever possible.

Using a high-quality pressure washer to remove mold and mildew from your rug is a simple solution. A standard hose will suffice, but a pressure washer will provide a much better cleaning experience.

Pros and Cons of Using an Outdoor Rug on Wooden Decks

Some people would purchase an outdoor rug for a wood deck in an instant, while others would dismiss the idea entirely. Before you jump to conclusions, it’s a good idea to consider the benefits and drawbacks of outdoor carpets. And we’re here to help by explaining the benefits and drawbacks of using outdoor rugs on wood decks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Outdoor rugs made of both natural and synthetic fibers can be used. Among the most popular materials are bamboo, sisal, hemp, jute, polypropylene, nylon, and polyester. Wool rugs are not suitable for use outside.
No, not every outdoor rug is waterproof. Waterproof outdoor rugs are typically made of synthetic fibers such as polypropylene.
While natural-fiber rugs can become moldy when exposed to water, synthetic outdoor rugs for patio use are mold and mildew resistant.
All outdoor rugs are made to withstand rain, though some may dry faster than others depending on the material used to weave them.


Finally, it is critical to decorate your outdoor space with bright colors or unique designs. With this simple tip, you can significantly improve your outdoor decor; you’ll start receiving compliments right away, believe us!

Happy decorating your outdoors!!

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About the author 

Luke Walker

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