by Hina Yua 

Harlequin Pothos: Care & Growth Guide


Searching for a minimal, easy-to-care-for houseplant? Take a look at the Harlequin pothos! This stunning plant, with its eye-catching patterns on its leaves, is ideal for those without a green thumb – supposing you obtain one.

Harlequin Pothos

The plant is not only attractive but also simple to maintain, which makes it a popular choice for individuals who are new to owning houseplants. The Harlequin Pothos is an excellent choice for a plant that will brighten up any room in your home!

What is A Harlequin Pothos (Information)

Harlequin Pothos is a rare houseplant known for its ability to thrive in a variety of environments. It is native to Southeast Asia, and can be found in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

Harlequin Pothos
Harlequin Pothos

It has glossy, heart-shaped leaves with yellow, white, and green variegation. This plant belongs to the Araceae family and is related to the Philodendron genus.

Here’s a quick rundown of the plant.

Scientific NameEpipremnum Aureum Harlequin
NativeSoutheast Asia
Growth Size5-10 feet
ToxicityToxic to both humans and pets
Common PestsMealybugs
Harlequin Pothos Information

Harlequin Pothos Care Overview Guide

LightingIndirect lighting with bright to low levels
Humidity50% or higher
Temperature18°C to 25°C (64-77°F).
WateringCheck on a weekly basis and water when the top inch of soil becomes dry.
FertilizingFeed them once a month during the spring and summer.
SoilPerlite-based well-draining soil
Pothos Care Overview
Care & Growth Guide

1. Lighting

Place your harlequin pothos in an area that receives indirect but bright light. Grow lights can be used to supplement natural light if it is inadequate. It can withstand a wide range of lighting conditions, but it cannot function in complete darkness. Examine the leaves to see if you’re providing enough light for your plant. If the foliage begins to brown or yellow, it is a sign that you are not providing enough light.

The pothos plant can survive a range of light conditions, but it won’t do well if you have it in a very dark area.

The pothos plant can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, but it will not thrive in a completely dark environment.

2. Humidity

Harlequin pothos grows best in humid areas, all pothos types thrive in higher humidity levels. So, if your weather naturally has relatively low humidity levels below 50%, you can increase the humidity in the air by adding a humidifier. You can also group the plants together, or place your plant on a pebble tray with water to increase the relative humidity. Misting is another short-term solution.

3. Temperature

In general, warm or average temperatures are best for your Epipremnum Aureum Harlequin plant. Temperatures can range from 18°C to 25°C (64-77°F).

Consistency is the most important factor for this plant. Temperature fluctuations can be extremely harmful to the Harlequin Epipremnum Aureum. Close windows and caulk all openings in cold weather to protect your plant from cold drafts. Keep it away from heat vents, which can cause the plant’s leaves to dry out.

4. Watering

Harlequin Pothos requires regular watering to thrive. Overwatering increases the risk of diseases such as root rot. If you don’t water your plants enough, especially on hot days, their roots may dry out. The growing medium for Epipremnum Aureum Harlequin should be evenly moistened.

There is a simple way to determine whether your plant requires watering. You can use a wooden skewer or a pencil to determine whether the container still contains moist, muddy dirt. You can also easily use your finger to detect wetness. If the top half of the soil is dry, water your plant.

Excess water can be removed using a porous container with drainage holes and an aerated, chunky soil mixture.

5. Fertilizing

During the active growing season, which lasts from spring to fall, you should fertilize your harlequin pothos once a month. To accomplish this, you can use liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label to avoid overdoing it, as too much fertilizer can cause root damage.

6. Soil

Harlequin thrives in a well-draining mix. You can also make your own potting mix by incorporating perlite. This plant prefers an evenly moist soil.

Furthermore, adequate drainage is essential to avoid fungal diseases, root rot, and other problems.

Harlequin Pothos Propagation

There are several methods for propagating your harlequin pothos plant. There are two methods you can try to increase your chances of growing a healthy plant, and they are as follows:

Harlequin Pothos Propagation
  • Stem Cuttings in Soil
  • Stem Cuttings in Water

1. Stem Cuttings in Soil

Growing harlequin pothos plants is commonly accomplished by planting stem cuttings directly into the soil. If you don’t already have this plant, cuttings should be available online. It’s best to try to propagate this plant in the spring or late summer, when you’ll have a better chance of finding a cutting. This allows the cuttings to recover from the transplant shock. You can use the following method:

  • Remove a healthy part of the plant with a clean pair of pruning shears. Any cutting you have should be at least three inches tall and have a few nodes and leaves on it.
  • Bury your stem’s nodes in moist potting soil in a pot or container. To keep the cutting stable and upright, gently pin it with wooden skewers. Excessive movement can stymie root development.
  • Place your container near a window that receives both direct and indirect light. Remember to keep your soil moist.

Within two or three weeks, you should notice new roots forming. When you see an emerging sprout, you know you’ve successfully grown a root system from a stem cutting.

2. Stem Cuttings in Water

You can propagate your harlequin pothos in water by following the steps below:

  • Cut a new grow section from the parent plant’s stem that has at least one node.
  • Place your cutting in a glass of water or a transplant container to observe the new root growth.
  • Keep your new cutting in a bright, shaded area with good airflow.
  • To prevent bacteria from growing and infecting the cutting, replace the water every three to five days.
  • Check the progress of your cutting in two weeks. If you have roots that are an inch or longer in length, place the cutting in a sterile potting mix.

It’s normal for new cuttings to appear wilted at first, but this is simply due to the roots adjusting to the soil. Avoid applying fertilizer or treatments until your plant wakes up and begins to stabilize in a few weeks.

In a few weeks, you can propagate your harlequin pothos in water to get a healthy new plant.

Read More: Rhaphidophora Pertusa Care and Vs. Tetrasperma

Harlequin Pothos Common Pests

With this plant, you must keep an eye out for pests, specifically scales and spider mites. They will suck your Harlequin pothos dry, leaving behind sweet, honeydew excretions. Fungus gnats, on the other hand, do not harm plants but are considered a nuisance. They almost appear to be the plant’s personal black cloud of doom. By following the instructions in this article, you can get rid of these pests quickly.

On that note, the presence of fungus gnats could indicate that you overwatered your plant. This indicates that the soil is saturated, which will most likely result in root rot. I know you didn’t mean to drown the plant, but it happens to the best of us. Here’s an article that will assist you in resolving the problem.

Harlequin Pothos Diseases and Conditions

1. Drooping Leaves

The leaves of your Harlequin Pothos may begin to droop if it does not receive the proper amount of moisture and light. Check out the water and light sections above to learn about the best ways to care for your plant.

Low humidity can also cause drooping leaves, so check the humidity levels in your area and make sure they match your plant’s needs.

2. Brown Leaf Tips

The browning of the leaf margins on your Harlequin Pothos can be caused by a number of factors. Potential causes include a lack of humidity, excessive exposure to bright light, salt and mineral buildup from chemically treated tap water, and fertilizer burn.

3. Yellow Leafs

There are numerous causes of yellowing leaves in this plant, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly why your harlequin pothos is doing it. A lack of light can rapidly deplete nutrients, causing the leaves to turn yellow. This can also be caused by overwatering, underwatering, or an irregular watering schedule. Remove any yellowing leaves so the plant can focus on developing green, new leaves.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Harlequin pothos are they real?

Harlequin pothos exist, but they are not a separate pothos variety. They could be a highly variegated form of the Manjula pothos. Some believe that its more intense white variegations resulted in the propagated cuttings that gave rise to the rare houseplant.

What is the most rare variety of pothos?

Harlequin Pothos. Harlequin is the rarest pothos you can lay your hands on. It looks a lot like Manjula and looks like a mix of marble and snow queen pothos with a little more variegation on the leaves.

Below is a video of 5 rare Pothos Varieties

Is It Toxic To Cats?

They are toxic to cats in varying degrees. So seek advice from a veterinarian. If consumed, insoluble calcium oxalates can cause numbness and vomiting.

Harlequin Pothos Vs Manjula

The primary difference between a harlequin pothos and a manjula is that the harlequin has more color variation. They are very similar plants and it is difficult to tell them apart; they both have wide teardrop leaves with mottled variegation, but the harlequin has more light green and white.


A Harlequin pothos is a totally unique and coveted houseplant; if you ever get your hands on one, you can bet it is just as easy to care for as any other variegated Pothos.

We hope you’ve learned some useful tips for cultivating your Harlequin Pothos, whether you’re a novice indoor gardener or a seasoned hobbyist interested in learning more about this particular plant!

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About the author 

Hina Yua

Hina Yua is a Yokohama-based freelance writer and gardener. She received her diploma from Yokohama City University. She likes to watch anime, read mysteries, and listen to music. She collects orchids and always has a basil plant flourishing in her kitchen.

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